Welcome Back to Mountain 2024

What’s On:

  • Two adjacent venues with interviews and panels with some of Australia’s top writers and thinkers, discussing PLACE NATURE STORY

  • The Ash Wednesday play reading, based on survivor stories, starring Shane Jacobson and Pia Miranda 

  • Lunch at one of the Macedon Ranges’ most exclusive wineries, while listening to one of the country’s most innovative chefs talking about future foods.

  • Art classes in the famous gardens and salon events at historic Duneira Estate

  • Outdoor, family friendly workshops on the Festival Hub bush block - yoga, art, singing, drums, nocturnal animal walks, Indigenous star gazing and much more!

  • Local winery and brewery stalls, food trucks - pull up a picnic rug under the eucalypts and enjoy the the view of Mt Geboor (Mount Macedon)

  • A relaxed, community atmosphere, under an hour from Melbourne by train or car.

Tickets are now on sale - BOOK NOW!

Contact Us:

General Enquiries hello@mountainfestival.com.au

Ticket Enquiries ticketing@mountainfestival.com.au

Stay up-to-date:

Stay connected for all the latest programming and event updates by subscribing to our enews and joining us on Facebook and Instagram!


We are a not-for-profit local community organisation committed to our environment, the arts and building community resilience. We'd love your financial support via a donation to ensure we keep this Festival going!

Donate here

Environmental impact

Mountain Writers Festival is a single-use plastic-free zone and we've partnered with like-minded sponsors and partners to ensure that the Festival environmental imprint is minimal. We celebrate the natural beauty of our surroundings and honour its ancestry and resilience. We invite all our guests to bring with them inspiring thoughts, open minds and to leave waste at home. Please consider the environment before printing.

From the Founder and Festival Director

Yes, Mountain Festival is returning to Wurundjeri Country (Macedon, Victoria).

We are excited to not only announce our festival dates - 22-24 November 2024 - but also our new name (did you notice?), a fabulous new board chaired by ex-ABC news reporter Mary Gearin, a new ambassador - the one and only Peter Garrett - and a bigger festival program, with at least two additional venues.

We are now Mountain Festival (or simply 'Mountain' to our friends), not Mountain Writers Festival, as we feel it better reflects our forever focus of Place Story Nature, and acknowledges that stories can be told in many ways, not just writing. Writers and books will remain the core of the festival, but we will again be programming the extraordinarily powerful Ash Wednesday play (which has been in creative development all this time), and will also embrace other forms or storytelling, some which will take us into closer contact with nature.      

We are already well underway locking in some incredible events that interrogate and celebrate our place on this land and within the natural world, and look forward to sharing more news about the 2024 program soon. Please subscribe to the newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Instagram if you haven't already - then you'll be the first to know. And of course, please share with your friends.

For those who have never been to Mountain, and for those who'd like a reminder what a special festival check out the video below for a short taste of Mountain 2022.

It's wonderful to be back. We look forward to seeing you at Mountain this Spring.

Sonia Orchard - Founder and Festival Director